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Southbridge Business Partnership

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About Us / Who We Are

The Southbridge Business Partnership is organized by a volunteer group of business owners, principals and interested parties committed to enhancing the economic opportunities for old, new and potential businesses in Southbridge, Massachusetts.

This will be accomplished through collective efforts and activities that recognize success, celebrate accomplishments and support efforts of individual businesses to become established, to grow and to prosper. With a large social media network and website and advertising opportunities, SBP partners are assured visibility in the digital landscape.

Our Mission

The Southbridge Business Partnership (SBP) is organized to celebrate and enhance economic development in the area. This will be accomplished through organization, design and promotion. The SBP will receive, administer and distribute funds in connection with any activities related to our mission and goals.

Join us

Please fill out the form and submit your membership dues to become an official member of the Southbridge Business Partnership. Thank you for your interest in our organization. We look forward to working with you!

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copyright 2025

Southbridge Business Partnership

P.O. Box 587

Southbridge, MA 01550

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